Tuesday, March 9, 2010

For The Purpose of Entertainment

A Theoretical Essay on Bret Hart vs. Mr. McMahon @ Wrestlmania 26

As I watched the Bret Hart vs. Chris Benoit match from WCW Nitro from after the Owen Hart Incident, I thought about the upcoming match between Bret and Mr. McMahon. Throughout the near 30 minute match against Benoit, there was never any emotions attributed to Owen's death. Personally, and if it were me who just lost their brother to a terrible accident, I probably would have broken down on camera while trying to hide it. Of course, just like Bret, I would have continued the fight for my brother, but still, there definately would have been some tears at some point.

Now, about some 11 years later, Bret Hart faces the man who "screwed him" and may be partly to blame for his brother's death. As a wrestling fan, I can't wait to see this conflict come to such a glorious crossroads, yet at the same time really don't understand what the purpose is for this match.

It came to me later on as Bret Hart was put in a light Boston Crab that couldn't possibly inflict any pain whatsoever by Chris Benoit that the purpose is entertainment and money. I mean, wrestling fans, such as myself, have been wanting to see McMahon and Hart clobber each other to near-death until Hart remains the sole survivor looking down a bloodied Vinnie Mac with a disgusted but slightly satisfied look on his face. However, that's not exactly how I imagine the real outcome to be at Wrestlemania 26.

Once all is said and done, once all the blood has seeped through McMahon's wounds and covered his face, and Bret has sweat his glands dry, Bret Hart will have his hand raised as a result of a sharpshooter and be declared the winner. He won't get his fat check just yet, though. First, he must sell his family out by finally shaking the hand of the devil himself. Mr. McMahon will have realized all the torment, the suffering, the embarassment, the pain, and anguish he caused the Hart family and shake Hart's hand followed by a hug and an insincere raising of the hand just like he gave Ric Flair. All the fans will cheer on and emit tears out of their shiny eyes unaware that they're not seeing a genuine moment, but sports entertainment at its sickest.
I just wish it could be Bret Hart and me walking out of gym until, all of a sudden, we see Mr. McMahon walking in to bulk up his pex. Then, Bret says to me, "Hey, wait, there's something I got to take care of." and i'm like, "No, Bret, wait, not like this. You're better than that." Finally, Bret turns Vince around, punch, slap, boom, pow! and sharpshooter on the sidewalk! I get down to hear Vince McMahon submit, tell Bret, "Hey, it's over, man. It's over." Then he says, "You damn right it's over. That was for Owen you son of a bitch!"

But, instead, he's gonna get a fat check for it and Mr. McMahon's gonna get a bigger one and Owen's still dead. I just don't get it, really. But, as a wrestling fan, I know i'm gonna fucking love it.

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